Women, Peace, Security

The Women, Peace, and Security Agenda arrived on the backs of women from the majority world, and has often either elbowed them out. Our work with the WPS Agenda centers on research, reportage, and documentation highlighting practice, policy, and approaches in the global south.     

  • WPS Resolutions

    The WPS Agenda comprises resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council since 2000. Visit our Resolutions Library to know more.

  • Articles and Essays

    We center a majority world view in analyzing and critiquing the WPS Agenda. Visit our Articles and Essays Library to know more.

  • CRSV Observatory

    We document and track conflict-related sexual violence across time and space. Visit our Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Observatory to know more.

  • “What happens to women during conflict reflects how they’re treated during peacetime, and vice versa. If in peace you have a military for whom abuse is common and normal, what happens when that military goes to war? The abuse rises to an unimaginable level.”

    ― Leymah Gbowee


Feminist Foreign Policy