Decolonial Feminist Futures

Imagination is resistance to colonialism, and we earnestly hope that the seeds this lab sowed encourages dreaming, visioning, and enacting a feminist future. Dominant images and oppressive narratives that go unchallenged and unaddressed colonize the future. We believe that futures-oriented solidarity is built on the foundations of exposing assumptions, strengthening hope, amplifying calls for liberation, and nurturing creative imagination. This section reports out on our Futures Labs in the fields of Feminist Foreign Policy, Decolonial Justice, and Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence.

  • Decolonial Feminist Astropolitics

    We explore ideas for decolonial, feminist approaches to spacefaring in the future. Read our interviews with women working in space studies.

  • Feminist Futures Labs

    We collectively imagine futures for feminist foreign policy and healing justice through futures thinking labs. Read the reports from our labs.

  • FeMeme

    We reimagine pathways for knowledge creation and dissemination through memes. Read our analyses of foreign policy practice through memes.

  • “Imagination is one of the spoils of colonization, which in many ways is claiming who gets to imagine the future for a given geography. Losing our imagination is a symptom of trauma. Reclaiming the right to dream the future, strengthening the muscle to imagine together as Black people, is a revolutionary decolonizing activity.”

    — Adrienne Maree Brown

Item 1 of 2

Feminist Foreign Policy


Decolonial Healing Justice